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Seller: Grand Eagle Retail (Fairfield, OH, U.S.A.) New Book
Book Price: $32.49
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TOTAL Cost: $32.49
Paperback. The 2025 edition of The New York Times Bestselling Guide. PLAY BALL! The 30th edition of this industry-leading baseball annual contains all of the important statistics, player predictions and insider-level commentary that readers have come to expect, along with significant improvements to several statistics that were created by, and are exclusive to, Baseball Prospectus, and an expanded focus on international players and teams. Baseball Prospectus 2025 provides fantasy players and insiders alike with prescient PECOTA projections, which The New York Times called "the ueberforecast of every player's performance." With more than 50 Baseball Prospectus alumni currently working for major-league baseball teams, nearly every organization has sought the advice of current or former BP analysts, and readers of Baseball Prospectus 2025 will understand why! Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
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