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Percentage Baseball and the Computer: Available Copies

Notes: the sort order is by total price (that is, with shipping included), from lowest on up. The background colors for each seller listing are keyed to the listed condition of the book, to enable you to quickly scan for conditions of interest to you. The codes are as follows:
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Below are all 3 responses from AbeBooks:

    by Cook, Earnshaw in Collaboration with Donald L. Fink

    ISBN: 9780262532150
    Publisher: Waverly Press (1971)

    Seller: Mike's Baseball Books (Chula Vista, CA, U.S.A.)
    Used Book—Condition: Fine
    Book Price: $25.00
    Shipping: $7.25
    TOTAL Cost: $32.25

Earnshaw Cook wrote one of the first books on the use of mathematics and statistics in 1964 in his Percentage Baseball. In this new book, PERCENTAGE BASEBALL AND THE COMPUTER, he added the use of the computer. Chapters include Clutch Hit Factor, Statistical Elimination of Sacrifice Hit, Platooning and Runs-batted-in, and Basic Strategy of Batting and Pitching. What were "NEW" concepts when written here over time became accepted practice. First Edition, this book is much harder to find then his first book, especially in this hardback edition. In fine condition. I have around 100 baseball reference publications and more than 2,000 baseball items in stock. Discounts are available when you purchase multiple items on the same order.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Percentage Baseball And The Computer In Collaboration with Donald L. Fink
    by Cook, Earnshaw

    Publisher: Waverly Press ()

    Seller: Wonder Book (Frederick, MD, U.S.A.)
    Used Book—Condition: Fair
    Book Price: $75.00
    Shipping: Free!
    TOTAL Cost: $75.00

Baltimore: Earnshaw Cook, 1971, 1st edition. Sm 4to Hardcover. 207pp. Good book, no dust jacket. Gifter's inscription and stamp on front free endpaper. (baseball, statistical methods, data processing ) Inquire if you need further information.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Percentage Baseball And The Computer In Collaboration with Donald L. Fink
    by Cook, Earnshaw

    Publisher: Waverly Press ()

    Seller: Wonder Book (Frederick, MD, U.S.A.)
    Used Book—Condition: Good
    Book Price: $266.24
    Shipping: Free!
    TOTAL Cost: $266.24

Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1971. 1st edition. Sm 4to. xviii,207pp. Tables. Near Very Good book. (baseball, statistical methods, data processing) Inquire if you need further information.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).



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