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Pirates 2024 Projected Pitching Performance

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2024 Pirates Projected Pitching

Through games of Monday, 30 September 2024.
All results are from true, unadjusted data.

Explanation of the Table

The Table below shows two lines for each pitcher and for the team as a whole: Actual and Projected. The Actual lines are just what it says: the actual stats for this season to date; the Projected lines want a little explanation.

The projecting has two steps. The first is simple: for each man, we calculate the ratio of his current-season-to-date BFPs (Batters Faced Pitcher, the equivalent of Plate Appearances for batters) to his career BFPs, then multiply all his career stats by that ratio to get what one might call his “raw” career-performance data pro-rated to his current-year number of BFPs. So, as a hypothetical example, a man with 5,000 career BFPs and 250 BFPs this season would have a ratio of 250/5000, or .050; so, if he had yielded, say, 1215 career Hits, his raw projected Hits number for this season would be 1215 x .05, or 61 (if the calculated number is fractional, as with 60.75, we round it off to the nearest whole number).

That much is simple and, we hope, clear. The second adjustment takes a little explaining. It derives from the fact that—for a team or for an individual man—the number of BFPs that will be had for a given number of Outs made (which is to say “innings played”) depends exactly on the on-base percentage: the higher the on-base percentage, the more BFPs the man or team will see in any given number of innings.

To clarify: imagine a staff with a great .250 on-base percentage; that number means that, on average, one man in four that they see at the plate will get on safely. The converse of that is that three men in four will make out. (For simplicity’s sake in this elementary example, we ignore outs made on the bases.) So, in an average inning, the batters, to make the three outs that constitute an inning, will send 4 men to the plate. If we next imagine a staff with an equally absurd .500 on-base percentage, only half the batters it faces make an out: thus, to make the three outs that define an inning, the batters would have—again, on average—to send 6 men to the plate. So (as should be intuitively obvious anyway), for a given number of innings, a higher OBP means more PAs.

The consequence of that is that each man’s “raw”stat projections, which were based on his BFPs for this season, are slightly inaccurate, because his—and the team’s—BFPs would be different (perhaps higher, perhaps lower) from what they are if all the men were performing at their career rates. To correct for that, we calculate each man’s career "outs rate" (all Outs made per plate appearance, which does include outs made behind him on the bases) and multiply it by his percentage of the staff’s total BFPs; we then sum up those outs rates to get a projected team Outs rate, and from that—holding Outs made (which, again, is just innings played) constant—we can reckon the projected team BFP total. We can then adjust each projected stat line by the ratio of expected team BFPs to actual BFPs (which normally yields a number fairly close to, but not equalling,1.0), giving us the true projected stats for each man and for the team.

(For this season for this team’s pitching, the adjustment factor, rounded to three decimal places—the actual calculations use many more decimals— is 0.993)

Incidentally, that last adjustment is the reason that even rookies, whose whole “career” is just the current season, can have “adjusted” lines that differ slightly from their actual data lines, and why the TPP numbers here may differ slightly from those on other pages here.

You can see the overall “win-capability” of the team (its wins projected from these team numbers and the corresponding team batting numbers) at our “Projected Team-Performances” page.

The Table

Pitcher (alphabetical by last name) PA AB H 2B 3B HR TB BB SH SF HBP CI TPP
Mitch Keller, actual: 773 697 182 38 11 23 311 50 1 8 15 2 840
Mitch Keller, projected: 768 685 186 38 5 21 295 62 2 6 12 1 825
Bailey Falter, actual: 589 531 138 34 1 17 225 45 6 5 0 2 686
Bailey Falter, projected: 585 538 144 30 2 23 246 36 2 4 3 1 750
Luis Ortiz, actual: 556 500 109 21 4 16 186 42 0 5 9 0 584
Luis Ortiz, projected: 552 486 116 20 3 16 190 54 0 6 6 0 717
Martín Pérez, actual: 373 337 105 24 0 13 168 32 1 0 3 0 984
Martín Pérez, projected: 370 333 93 18 1 10 142 31 2 2 3 0 798
Pitcher (alphabetical by last name) PA AB H 2B 3B HR TB BB SH SF HBP CI TPP
Paul Skenes, actual: 514 475 94 14 1 10 140 32 0 1 6 0 379
Paul Skenes, projected: 510 472 93 14 1 10 139 32 0 1 6 0 378
Jared Jones, actual: 504 456 106 29 4 18 197 39 0 4 5 0 670
Jared Jones, projected: 501 453 105 29 4 18 196 39 0 4 5 0 670
Dennis Santana, actual: 172 156 30 11 1 2 49 11 0 2 3 0 403
Dennis Santana, projected: 171 148 35 8 1 3 53 18 1 2 3 0 665
Jalen Beeks, actual: 101 88 28 4 1 0 34 9 1 1 2 0 983
Jalen Beeks, projected: 100 89 23 5 0 2 36 9 1 1 1 0 703
Roansy Contreras, actual: 74 65 19 3 0 3 31 8 1 0 0 0 946
Roansy Contreras, projected: 73 65 16 4 0 3 28 7 0 0 1 0 754
Joey Wentz, actual: 50 42 6 1 0 0 7 6 0 1 1 0 374
Joey Wentz, projected: 50 44 12 2 0 2 20 5 0 0 0 0 849
Aroldis Chapman, actual: 265 222 44 9 1 5 70 39 0 2 2 0 638
Aroldis Chapman, projected: 263 225 38 7 0 4 59 33 0 1 3 0 425
David Bednar, actual: 262 227 54 12 0 9 93 28 1 2 3 1 842
David Bednar, projected: 260 233 51 12 1 6 84 22 1 2 2 0 573
Kyle Nicolas, actual: 243 205 51 7 0 4 70 31 0 3 4 0 709
Kyle Nicolas, projected: 241 203 52 8 0 4 74 31 0 3 4 0 752
Colin Holderman, actual: 223 188 42 7 1 6 69 25 1 4 5 0 762
Colin Holderman, projected: 221 191 45 8 1 4 65 22 1 3 4 0 674
Carmen Mlodzinski, actual: 209 184 41 8 0 3 58 19 0 4 2 0 544
Carmen Mlodzinski, projected: 208 181 40 7 0 3 57 21 0 3 2 0 550
Pitcher (alphabetical by last name) PA AB H 2B 3B HR TB BB SH SF HBP CI TPP
Quinn Priester, actual: 201 184 52 6 1 7 81 13 0 2 2 0 892
Quinn Priester, projected: 200 176 50 10 0 8 86 18 0 2 3 0 979
Hunter Stratton, actual: 158 145 37 8 0 3 54 7 3 0 3 0 566
Hunter Stratton, projected: 157 144 35 8 1 4 57 8 2 0 3 0 582
Brent Honeywell Jr., actual: 15 13 3 1 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 0 735
Brent Honeywell Jr., projected: 15 13 3 0 0 1 6 1 0 0 0 0 828
Jake Woodford, actual: 121 113 33 8 1 4 55 4 0 2 2 0 992
Jake Woodford, projected: 120 107 30 6 1 4 49 9 0 2 2 0 887
Marco Gonzales, actual: 151 138 43 8 0 5 66 11 1 1 0 0 940
Marco Gonzales, projected: 150 138 37 8 0 5 60 10 0 1 1 0 736
Josh Fleming, actual: 138 123 34 6 0 3 49 14 0 0 1 0 819
Josh Fleming, projected: 137 125 35 7 0 4 55 10 0 1 1 0 769
Domingo Germán, actual: 100 84 25 2 0 4 39 13 0 0 2 1 1196
Domingo Germán, projected: 99 90 21 4 0 4 39 8 0 0 1 0 683
Ryder Ryan, actual: 93 78 21 5 1 2 34 9 0 2 3 1 963
Ryder Ryan, projected: 92 77 20 5 1 2 32 10 0 2 3 1 930
Daulton Jefferies, actual: 42 39 10 3 0 2 19 2 0 0 1 0 738
Daulton Jefferies, projected: 42 39 11 4 0 1 20 2 0 0 1 0 800
Ben Heller, actual: 66 54 19 3 1 1 27 6 0 0 6 0 1676
Ben Heller, projected: 66 55 14 2 1 2 24 7 0 0 3 0 953
Ryan Borucki, actual: 51 45 14 3 0 2 23 4 1 0 1 0 1094
Ryan Borucki, projected: 51 45 11 2 0 1 18 4 0 0 1 0 643
Pitcher (alphabetical by last name) PA AB H 2B 3B HR TB BB SH SF HBP CI TPP
Justin Bruihl, actual: 27 24 9 3 0 1 15 1 0 1 1 0 1515
Justin Bruihl, projected: 27 23 6 1 0 1 9 2 0 0 1 0 750
Jose Hernandez, actual: 25 21 5 2 0 1 10 4 0 0 0 0 868
Jose Hernandez, projected: 25 22 5 2 0 1 10 3 0 0 0 0 793
Isaac Mattson, actual: 23 17 1 0 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 0 231
Isaac Mattson, projected: 23 17 3 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 482
Mike Burrows, actual: 14 11 2 0 0 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 822
Mike Burrows, projected: 14 11 2 0 0 1 5 3 0 0 0 0 822
Rowdy Tellez, actual: 15 11 5 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 2 0 2566
Rowdy Tellez, projected: 15 12 5 0 0 0 5 1 0 1 2 0 2200
Brady Feigl, actual: 11 11 7 2 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 5240
Brady Feigl, projected: 11 11 7 2 0 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 5240
Pirates, Actual: 6159 5484 1369 282 29 166 2207 515 17 51 85 7 730
Pirates, Projected: 6117 5451 1344 271 23 169 2174 523 12 47 77 3 692
Pitcher (alphabetical by last name) PA AB H 2B 3B HR TB BB SH SF HBP CI TPP

Assorted Team Stats:
Stat Actual Projected
Batting Average: 0.250 0.247
Slugging Average: 0.402 0.399
Walks (per PA): 0.084 0.085
SOs (per PA): 0.220 0.225
On-Base Average: 0.321 0.319
Power Factor: 1.612 1.618
OPS: 0.723 0.718
TPP Runs (to date): 739 695

Runs differential:
Actual Runs 44 greater than Projected Runs.



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This page was last modified on Saturday, 5 October 2024, at 4:39 pm Pacific Time.