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2024 Major-League Team-Performance Results

All raw data supplied courtesy of
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Teams Ranked by Manifested Ability

Through games of Thursday, 25 July 2024.
All results are from true, unadjusted data.

The significance of the data in these Tables is not necessarily obvious at a glance. There is a complete explanation of all these Tables and the meaning of their entries available, and—although there are a few words farther below on this page—we much recommend that you read that full explanation before examining these Tables.

Seasonal Win Projections

“Manifested ability” means how well the teams have actually played so far this season; it does not mean “how good they really are”, which is quite another matter. The projected wins assume the teams will each play the full season at the same performance level as they have exhibited so far; early on, that may be unlikely, but the farther into the season it gets, the more likely that assumption is to be true. (Each team name is a click-on link to that team’s detailed performance page here; the link will open in a new browser tab or tab.)

All Teams, by Performance
TOP/TPP Projected
Win Percentage
TOP/TPP Projected
Seasonal Wins
TOP/TPP Projected
Current Wins
Current Wins
Red Sox0.574935854
Blue Jays0.412674246
White Sox0.314513327

Divisional Standings

Projected Standings

This Table merely sorts the results above by Division. It is not a “prediction” of how the races will end up: it is an assessment of how things would stand now if not for luck (as opposed to performance). It is a “prediction” only to the extent that if all teams continued to play from now till the end of the season at exactly the same level of performance they have exhibited so far, which is unlikely, this is how things would most probably turn out.

Projected (not actual) Standings
National League American League
East Central West East Central West
Phillies 0.627 Brewers 0.559 Dodgers 0.606 Orioles 0.608 Twins 0.564 Mariners 0.548
Braves 0.554 Cubs 0.500 Padres 0.533 Red Sox 0.574 Royals 0.524 Astros 0.529
Mets 0.529 Reds 0.500 Diamondbacks 0.495 Yankees 0.567 Guardians 0.510 Rangers 0.505
Nationals 0.437 Cardinals 0.490 Giants 0.471 Rays 0.456 Tigers 0.500 Athletics 0.448
Marlins 0.359 Pirates 0.471 Rockies 0.379 Blue Jays 0.412 White Sox 0.314 Angels 0.427

Actual Standings

This Table merely sorts actual results by Division.

Actual (not projected) Standings
National League American League
East Central West East Central West
Phillies 0.627 Brewers 0.578 Dodgers 0.596 Orioles 0.598 Guardians 0.598 Astros 0.520
Braves 0.535 Cardinals 0.520 Padres 0.524 Yankees 0.577 Twins 0.554 Mariners 0.510
Mets 0.529 Pirates 0.510 Diamondbacks 0.515 Red Sox 0.535 Royals 0.544 Rangers 0.495
Nationals 0.456 Reds 0.480 Giants 0.471 Rays 0.505 Tigers 0.490 Angels 0.437
Marlins 0.359 Cubs 0.471 Rockies 0.369 Blue Jays 0.451 White Sox 0.257 Athletics 0.400

Full Team Stat Projections

Explanation of Table Headings

(This is just a summary; a much more detailed discussion of this Table and its significance is available.)

The TOP and TPP columns are the team runs scored and allowed, respectively, calculated by the Owlcroft formulae from the actual team stats. The Games-Won columns are calculated from the respective indicated sources—actual runs scored and allowed, and calculated (“TOP/TPP”) runs scored and allowed. The “error” columns show the differences between calculated games-won values (rounded to whole numbers) and the actual team wins total. A minus error means that the team is that many games below expectation, while a positive error means that the team is above expectation by that many games—“expectation” meaning the record that would most often result from scoring and giving up the runs in question (actual or as-calculated).

The final column—“Seasonal”—is the wins-from-calculations deviation in wins pro-rated out to a full 162 games; it is the current “luck rate” of the team. (Keep in mind that as the season wears on the size of these errors will, in almost all cases, steadily diminish as extremes of luck are averaged out.) Each team name is a click-on link to that team’s detailed performance page here; the link will open in a new browser tab.

Team Performance Stats Table

(alphabetical by city)
Runs Games Won
Scored Yielded Actual
Wins Projected From:
TOP Real TPP Real R/OR (Error) TOP/TPP (Error) Seasonal
Diamondbacks 103 475 509 477 487 53 54 +1 51 -2 -3
Braves 101 425 424 374 375 54 56 +2 56 +2 +3
Orioles 102 506 506 402 420 61 60 -1 62 +1 +2
Red Sox 101 493 480 418 451 54 53 -1 58 +4 +6
Cubs 104 422 424 426 434 49 51 +2 52 +3 +5
White Sox 105 332 324 508 526 27 30 +3 33 +6 +9
Reds 102 426 456 428 417 49 55 +6 51 +2 +3
Guardians 102 422 471 410 394 61 59 -2 52 -9 -14
Rockies 103 435 445 574 602 38 37 -1 39 +1 +2
Tigers 104 417 445 421 441 51 52 +1 52 +1 +2
Astros 102 471 478 440 429 53 56 +3 54 +1 +2
Royals 103 433 477 409 403 56 59 +3 54 -2 -3
Angels 103 397 413 462 507 45 42 -3 44 -1 -2
Dodgers 104 525 516 417 420 62 62 0 63 +1 +2
Marlins 103 359 368 494 514 37 36 -1 37 0 0
Brewers 102 480 487 425 403 59 60 +1 57 -2 -3
Twins 101 478 489 413 444 56 55 -1 57 +1 +2
Mets 102 487 496 453 473 54 53 -1 54 0 0
Yankees 104 501 513 430 414 60 62 +2 59 -1 -2
Athletics 105 433 435 489 501 42 46 +4 47 +5 +8
Phillies 102 504 500 383 391 64 62 -2 64 0 0
Pirates 102 412 422 438 428 52 50 -2 48 -4 -6
Padres 105 455 476 426 447 55 56 +1 56 +1 +2
Mariners 104 384 390 346 381 53 53 0 57 +4 +6
Giants 104 442 452 475 484 49 49 0 49 0 0
Cardinals 102 429 418 435 454 53 47 -6 50 -3 -5
Rays 103 417 413 459 467 52 46 -6 47 -5 -8
Rangers 103 422 441 416 432 51 52 +1 52 +1 +2
Blue Jays 102 392 410 476 492 46 42 -4 42 -4 -6
Nationals 103 394 423 448 470 47 47 0 45 -2 -3

Table Error Data

These are the for results in the Table shown above. All deviations are per team.

“Error” Type
(calculated vs. actual)
Absolute size
of “Error”
Percentage size
of “Error”
Cumulative “Error”
(+ and - cancel)
Batting Runs, from TOP 14.43 runs 3.19% 14.43 runs
Pitching Runs, from TPP 17.1 runs 3.77% -10.97 runs
All Runs, from TOP/TPP 15.77 runs 3.48% -11.04 runs
Games Won from R/OR 2.03 wins --- -0.03 wins
Games Won from TPP/TOP 2.3 wins --- -0.03 wins

Expected deviation (“error”) sizes go down as the season goes on, and can look pretty wild in the early weeks and even months. Errors will be modest by mid-season and small by late season. Right now, the expected average error for “All Runs” is 5%

(The “expected error” is calculated as described on our “Formula Proof” page.)



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This page was last modified on Friday, 26 July 2024, at 7:42 am Pacific Time.